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Story Timeline
  • Aug. 24, 2020
    Build my landing page

    Got some people to work with me on this Idea. Discussed and Refined our Idea based on our potential customers, and today I am excited to tell that we have launched our landing page.

    Looking forward to gain some feedback from you.

  • Jan. 10, 2020
    What is my Idea and How it was born?

    I am a college student and I always wanted to work for Tesla, but every time I apply I get the mail that you have not been selected. So, I thought what I can do to so that I can get an Internship there and after thinking a lot I thought what if I make a self driving car by myself then for sure they are going to hire me.

    So, after 2 months I converted an RC car into a self-driving car and after this also, I didn't get an Internship in Tesla, may be because I am from India, but this generated an amazing Idea into my head.

    What if there is a platform where companies can hire people based on the past projects they have done.

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