4 books to read before MBA

4 books to read before MBA

Written by Riya Agarwal June 1, 2020


If you are choosing to do an MBA then these 4 books are going to help you not just during your time in college but for your whole life as well. Some of these books are about managing the business and some about managing the people. And that’s what you will learn in a B-school. Also mentioned some takeaway and key points.

How to win friends and influence people

On any given day, Management is about handling people. No matter at which level you operate Top, middle, lower or any department If you are working in a company, you are dealing with people all the time.

And if you are not very good at it, well, make this book your Bible.

Learn the 6 ways to make people like you, the 12 ways to win people to your way of thinking, and the 9 ways to change people without arousing resentment.

Forget Management, this book is going to help you improve your relationship with your family, friends, loved ones, literally anyone.

It's literally a cheat code to life. It teaches you how to deal with people and how to get people to like you.

This book is over 80 years old but still the best seller.

Get a copy from Amazon.

Atomic habits

Well all of us have some bad habits that we want to break. This book acts as a panacea by laying down a structured approach for building good habits.

The author lays down a four-step approach accompanied by a lot of examples with which we can very well correlate.

The books highlight the importance of small improvements which it refers to as the Compound effect. Though immediate impact might not be noticeable, it may fetch you extraordinary results in the long run.

One of my favourite quote from the book is:
"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity."

Get a copy from Amazon.

Thinking, fast and slow

In his groundbreaking book, Kahneman starts by giving a synthesis of experimental psychology and some of the seminal results of the past 40 years of the impressive history of the field.

Then he moves on to show how our thinking is prone to behavioural fallacies, and how they can be exploited.

He introduces the concept of two thinking systems (see the picture attached in the comment below):

System 1️
operates automatically, intuitively and emotionally with little or no voluntary control. It is a machine for jumping to conclusions 'What You See Is All There Is' that is based on the readily available, often misleading information, and ends in believing in them fervently.

As a result, halo effects, confirmation bias, framing effects etc. adversely shape our evaluation and decision making unless balanced deliberately with:

System 2
allocates attention to the effortful, logical mental activities.

Great read on how to tap into the techniques and benefits of slow thinking!

Get a copy from Amazon.

Personal MBA

You just can’t miss this book, THIS BOOK IS YOUR MBA. I am currently pursuing my degree and this book is so relatable at the moment. I wish i have read it before getting the admission because this is a whole summary of the MBA degree.

In The Personal MBA, the author shares the essentials of sales, marketing, negotiation, strategy, and much more.

True leaders aren't made by business schools-they make themselves, seeking out the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to succeed. Read this book and in one week you will learn the principles it takes most people a lifetime to master.

If you are planning to start your business someday. You can miss this book.

I will keep it forever and go through it every now and then.

Get a copy from Amazon.


There are several more books that one can read but I think the above list has been very effective. All these books have helped me change my daily routine and perspective.

They have inspired me in different ways and I hope they will help you too.

I will add more books to this list soon and share it with you.

Do you recommend any book that should be on the list?